GFS forecast for Lat:48.2543 Long:-121.6042
Time Zone: PST (UTC -8 hrs)

Prometheus Tabular display

- Units are metric

This page presents tabular forecast data in a format suitable for use in the Prometheus fire growth simulation software. Weather models with a native 3-hr forecast interval have been interpolated to a 1-hr interval.

Use the CSV export button to save a csv file for use in Prometheus.

Back to standard tabular version.

Data Dictionary:
  • TMP: Temperature, 2 meters above ground, units = Celsius.
  • RH: Relative Humidity, 2 meters above ground, units = Percent.
  • WS: Wind Speed, 10 meters above ground, units = km/h.
  • WD: Wind Direction, 10 meters above ground, units = degrees true.
  • PRECIP: Hourly precipitation, surface, units = millimeters.

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Disclaimer: All Data is provided "AS IS" by government weather agencies. SpotWx is not responsible for the quality, accuracy, or completeness of the Data or any derived products. This Data is provided without warranty or condition of any nature, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall SpotWx be liable for any damages whatsoever in respect of any claim, action, demand or proceeding of any kind arising from or related to your use, inability to use or performance of the Data.